Saturday, February 16, 2008

Obama Promises Yearly Minimum Wage Increase

Once again the Jr. Senator from Illinois demonstrates why he is called "Junior". Now it's not that I'm stingy or mean-spirited, but the fact is the idea of raising the minimum wage just plain sucks. Having said that, AND THIS MIGHT HURT YOUR FEELINGS; If you are older than 18, not physically or mentally handicapped and you are still making minimum wage; then YOU have really screwed the pooch somewhere! Minimum wage jobs are not created to take advantage of individuals; they are jobs that exist because there are people that have few or no marketable skills or abilities. If you are in that group pay attention, because if Junior has his way, you may soon be making a great deal less than minimum wage! Historically whenever the minimum wage is raised the number of minimum wage earners employed is lowered. That is because when the labor costs more than the job is worth, an alternative involving automation or machinery will be purchased, and laborers will be let go. You may have noticed that there are very few minimum wage street-sweepers now, yet years ago those jobs were an entry-point for anyone who could lean on a broom. Those street sweeper positions are now filled by unionized machinery operators. They are not the same people that were formerly pushing the broom. Change always happens, but it's not always good! A candidate that promises 'change' without defining what it is should be closely scrutinized. I for one, can't wait to see what other brilliant 'change' ideas Obama has for squandering my change, while pandering to the do-nothings and the know-nothings. I'd like to see a box on the Democratic Primary ballot that says "NONE OF THE ABOVE!"