Thursday, February 21, 2008

Comments from the Country

A friend sent this picture of a sign hanging on the Bates, MS Muffler Shop. You must admit, it is refreshingly blunt!

Bill the Rea... whoops ... Dreamer!

While on the campaign trail for his wife, former president Bill Clinton attended a church service honoring the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. As Reverend Martin Luther King III, the son of the slain leader spoke, the former president fell asleep. Click to view video.

Now to be fair to Bill, I do believe that the Rev. MLK III is not only an uninspiring speaker, but indeed one whose girth causes the vigor of his efforts to be questioned. Yet this clip seems to confirm that the Clintons have more capacity for feigning interest in Blacks than in actually being interested. I would call that pandering.

I am ready to be corrected on this, but that's what I think!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

It is Time For a Change!

A picture is worth a thousand words. Here is the picture, without comment.

"For the First Time In My Life I'm Proud"

Well, there is more from the Candidate of Hype!

Barack Hussein Obama has made much of his achievements. Remember he used to say only in America could the son of an African and an American become whatever he has become. Now his wife, in Wisconsin campaigning for him said "For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of America." Oh, really!

So Michelle, the America that allowed you to meet your husband Barack, while both working at one of the largest law firms in Chicago, where you represented slum land-lords; was nothing to be proud of?

So the America that allowed your husband to move from a coke-snorting, weed-toking, alcohol-confused, young-adult 'rock' star; to a semi-responsible, populist, "rock-star" politician was nothing to be proud of?

So the America that allowed you to become Vice-President of University of Chicago Hospitals and then triple your salary when your husband became a Senator was nothing to be proud of?

So the America that allowed you and Hussein to accept a gift from a person then under investigation and now under indictment, to purchase your 1.6 million dollar home at a bargain price was nothing to be proud of?

So the America that has allowed your husband, with nothing other than the 'gift of gab' to run for President was nothing to be proud of?

Every person in this country is living better than any place else in the world. Even if you wake up homeless in the United States, you have already won a lottery that most of the other 6 billion people in the world would die to gain. Even the poor here, live better than most people in other countries. The poor here have TVs, cell phones and refrigerators. When people like Obama and Hillary say that this country is a failure it reveals either a painful naivete or a wilful attempt to mislead. They join a long parade of racial pimps and class panderers who attempt to convince you that you are unable to make it in this country, without their help. They ignore the fact that people come here from all over the world, without even English skills and make it. So can you. But not if you allow someone to say, you are helpless without me.

'My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth!' Obama, what have you made? Michelle; if our country is a place that you are ashamed of, why not just leave? Your husband has roots of failure in Indonesia, Africa and the United States. Pick a place where would you would feel proud to live, and where your children could do better. There is just one small problem, such a place does not exist.

I'm proud of America! We must demand no less of those who would lead.