Friday, March 21, 2008

Don't I Know You From Somewhere..?

The Clinton campaign has been ever so circumspect on the guilt by association issue tormenting Barack Hussein Obama in recent weeks. Here is a link to what may be one reason that Hillary Rodham Clinton has been so quiet. At a prayer breakfast in 1998, with more than 100 invited religious leaders in attendance, Bill Clinton confessed his sins relative to Monica Lewinsky. Just hours later, the scandal would explode with the introduction of the infamous 'Stained Blue Dress.' Obama's controversial Pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright shown here with Clinton, was one of the invited guests.

The story suggests that both factions of the party may have no qualms about associating with the race-baiting Wright when it suits their needs. Hillary's newly released schedules show that she also attended this breakfast.

This might lead one to suspect that Hillary Clinton's caution was born of her own knowledge of past associations, rather than any desire to keep the Democrat primary campaign above mud-slinging.

Let me see if I've got the facts correct about both situations:
William Jefferson Clinton:
Invites hundreds of ministers, among them Jeremiah Wright, to the White House for a prayer breakfast, followed by a contrite confession, poses for pictures with the ministers then sends them home.

Barack Hussein Obama: Sits
in the pews at Trinity Church for more than two decades, was married by Jeremiah Wright, makes financial donations to the church, makes Pastor Wright his mentor and confidante, claims that he never heard any racist comments by his Pastor, retracts that statement in a speech, says he had heard such comments but disagrees with them (although, he continued to come and listen), compares his White grandmother to Jeremiah Wright, then belatedly defends her honor by saying his grandmother was just a 'typical White person'.

Equivalent? I think not!

The story behind the story: This photo was obtained from a Blog belonging to a member of the Trinity church and was released to the news media by the Obama campaign. The Obama campaign is trying to divert attention from what is seen by many as a flaw in either his character or his judgement. So, Wright's church called Obama's campaign and offered them material to use in Obama's defense; Obama's campaign thought that the two cases were similar (or wants you to think that they are); Obama's campaign released this to CNN and CNN published it. Yep, now you've got it! Wright's church was the 'deep throat' for this story on Clinton! Wow, I actually used 'deep throat' and Clinton in the same sentence. That was troubling!

Meanwhile, Obama's campaign fired a woman who stated that Hillary was a 'lying Monster' but today Obama said that Hillary had character flaws and she was a persistent liar. I guess that part about her being a 'monster' was too much, casting an unwarranted aspersion on real monsters...

And thus the Obama campaign for 'change' differs from the 'same, old, tired politics'.


Thursday, March 20, 2008

Our Flag is not a Virgin Pin

I watched Barack Obama's speech about race and thought he did a fine job until he opened his mouth. Things then began to slide down hill as with all of the eloquence at his command, Barack tried to make the ship of state look like a sinking canoe, the progress in this country look like regression and a sinner look like a saint. In short he tried to make gilded plates look like cow chips and the reverse also.

After an entire campaign of saying that we shouldn't talk about race, Obama now says that we must. Funny, I thought that awkward and painful dialogue was going on all of the time, even though frequently carried on by race pimps, charlatans and hucksters. His Pastor for instance, seems to have only one conversation and that is about racial insults and injury. But of course Barack would not hear the conversation going on in the country, after all he says he sat in his church for more than two decades and didn't hear anything. Despite their great good fortune and achievement, Obama and Wright exaggerate racial issues and minimize racial progress, I am not surprised that Obama's wife is not proud of such a country. This portrayal does no good for either the country or those that they profess to serve. Obama himself is a result of racial transformation in this country, otherwise his father would have been jailed and his mother cast aside for their interracial marriage.

I was also somewhat astounded at the way that Obama treated his Grandmother. This was the white woman who raised him after his Black fathers, (yes, both of them) abandoned him and his white mother. In the Black community and in the Black value system, both professed to be held in such high regard by the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, we don't disrespect our mothers and grandmothers! Barack betrayed his Grandmother by revealing then comparing the confidential conversations between this loving woman and himself with the ravings of a misguided racist. Barack and Wright do not seem to be bitter, frustrated or powerless, so possibly they are trying to gain authenticity as being Black. They both may need to actually look at the Black community, rather than continue to portray a stereotype of that community.

There was one other thing that I noted and I have not seen any commentary on the point. Barack Obama made his entry and stood on a stage surrounded by American flags. There were at least six flags on the podium.


This is the patriot Obama that will not wear a lapel pin because he doesn't want to display the flag, that phony symbol of patriotism.

This is the Christian Obama who believes that neither he nor anyone else is going to heaven or hell and that every faith is the same (Falsani interview, Sun Times, 4/5/2004).

This is the post-race or no-race Obama who nevertheless appeals to some people and panders to others based upon race and whose mentor has made a living at this for more than forty years.

Senator Obama, your wife is ashamed of this country and our flag; your pastor damns the country and our flag; you agree with both of them as shown by your willingness to maintain your union and your silence. You are a remarkably malleable fellow as regards your beliefs, you seem to be quite adept at adopting the view and belief that you need for the moment without the inconvenience of principle. You specialized in either voting present or claiming that your votes were unintentional in the Illinois legislature. This was a fine legislative trick, enabling you to vote yes, yet have the record reflect that you intended to vote no on the issue. You have been able to avoid staking any claim on a matter of principle. Your vaunted and eloquent calls for change lacks specifics. You seemed to respond to this issue only when the polls showed your ratings dropping after the publicity over the 'appalling sermons'. Yet you will not disavow your so-called mentor for what he has said and still is saying.

I do have one question, and I don't expect an answer. Why did you drape yourself in the very flag that you have previously, proudly besmirched through your silence. A flag on your stage is like a virgin pin on a prostitute; it may look good, but it means nothing. If you really don't like our country, say so and run on that premise, you might even win. Unlike any country that you could pick to emulate, you can actually say that here.