Thursday, September 4, 2008

Yes! She was that good!

Gov. Palin is the self described 'Pit bull with lipstick" that has changed the tone of this campaign and the history of American women and politics. Today, no one in America, will say “Sarah who?” She was just that good!

After watching the Gov. Palin speech and the crowd reaction in the hall, I will paraphrase the famous words of Japan’s Admiral Yamamoto after the attack on Pearl Harbour: “I fear all they have done is to awaken a sleeping giant, and fill them with a terrible resolve. Critics in the liberal media and in the Obama camp will regret having piled on. Most observers agree that it was perhaps the greatest political performance we have ever witnessed.

There are those who think that with the selection of Sarah Palin, the GOP was pandering to the Hillary supporters and women; NOT SO! Senator John McCain has led the GOP in firing the first shot in a culture war for the very soul of America. This has remarkably energized the conservative base and I think will resonate with many independents as well. It presents a picture of people aspiring to be better than their lowest natures and sometimes failing, but still holding onto high moral values and ideals. On the opposing side we have people that say if you cannot hit the mark, we should make the target larger, or lower the passing score. They say that America is a failure and corrupt among the nations of the world. They believe that religion and guns are symbols of bitterness. The McCain/Palin ticket offers a view that is more in sync with the majority of Americans.

Democrats and liberals don't know how to respond. Their panicked, stuttering responses only hint at the turmoil that is going on within the ranks of liberal partisans. McCain/Palin has taken the matra of change, sliced it up, and served it to the Obama campaign. That Obama and company do not yet really know what hit them is what should worry anyone thinking that the inexperienced, junior senator from Illinois has either the experience or the judgement to be president of the US. Palin made that obvious.

Yes! She was just that good.

A few other quotes:

Governor Mike Huckabee: “I am tired of the Democrats claiming that the Republicans are the party of fat cats, that to be a Republican you must be born with silver stockings and a silver spoon in your mouth, while the Democrats are the party of the common man. I did not join the Republican Party because I was rich; but because I was poor and I did not want to wait for the government to better my situation.”

Mayor Giuliani: “Senator Obama has not run a city, a state or even any type of business… The president cannot vote ‘Present’.”

Governor Palin: “In small towns, people support their country in good times and bad and small town people are always proud of their country.”