Monday, February 25, 2008

Pictures Don't Lie!

Ray Nagin (left), the Mayor who fiddled and fumed while New Orleans floated, 'playfully' points an assault weapon at the New Orleans Chief of Police in this recent photo.

Nagin, you may remember was the Mayor that cried and cursed that the federal government was not doing enough to aid New Orleans during and after hurricane Katrina, while 400+ buses, that his own plan called for use to evacuate the city, went unused and were eventually flooded in the cities parking lots.

  • Not a single New Orleans resident was evacuated from the city by the city government, in spite of an evacuation plan that the Mayor signed a year prior to the hurricane.
  • Claiming "God told me that New Orleans should be a Chocolate City", Ray Nagin was re-elected Mayor of New Orleans after the flood. The people that were most directly harmed by his mis-management were the ones that were also fooled into supporting him by a blatant appeal to race.
  • The murder rate in New Orleans after the hurricane evacuees returned was so bad that Ray Nagin called for the National Guard to assist the police. This photo in which he points a gun at the Chief of police is troubling in that it portrays Nagin's disrespect for authority, already evident in the population of the Big Easy and also demonstrates a complete disregard for safe gun-handling.
  • Ray Nagin's best qualification as a Mayor is he talks a good game and in fact was a prominent radio personality. His management and organizational skills are non-existent.

Meanwhile, in another revealing photo, Democrat presidential candidate Barack Hussein Obama is shown dressed in the garb of a Somali Warlord or Elder. The picture was taken two years ago during a pilgrimage to Somalia by Obama.

The nation of Somalia was made famous, or infamous to most Americans, by the movie Blackhawk Down. That movie portrayed the events of an incident during the Battle of Mogadishu in October of 1993, in which Somali warlords shot down two American helicopters, mutilated and killed the crews then dragged their bodies through the streets of Somalia. Eighteen Americans died.

Is it just me or is there anyone else that wonders why Obama is visiting and honoring Somalia. Of course, his refusal to honor the Pledge of Allegiance or wear the American Flag and his wife's statement of never being proud of the United States may be explained by examining just what Obama is proud of.

Ray Nagin and Barack Obama have many similarities beyond the obvious. They are both Democrats; they are both charismatic; they are both very popular within their communities; they are both newly elected, inexperienced officials; they both lack judgment; they both talk a better game than they play and here is one more. Ray and Obama, I know your mothers tried to raise you better!