Friday, March 21, 2008

Don't I Know You From Somewhere..?

The Clinton campaign has been ever so circumspect on the guilt by association issue tormenting Barack Hussein Obama in recent weeks. Here is a link to what may be one reason that Hillary Rodham Clinton has been so quiet. At a prayer breakfast in 1998, with more than 100 invited religious leaders in attendance, Bill Clinton confessed his sins relative to Monica Lewinsky. Just hours later, the scandal would explode with the introduction of the infamous 'Stained Blue Dress.' Obama's controversial Pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright shown here with Clinton, was one of the invited guests.

The story suggests that both factions of the party may have no qualms about associating with the race-baiting Wright when it suits their needs. Hillary's newly released schedules show that she also attended this breakfast.

This might lead one to suspect that Hillary Clinton's caution was born of her own knowledge of past associations, rather than any desire to keep the Democrat primary campaign above mud-slinging.

Let me see if I've got the facts correct about both situations:
William Jefferson Clinton:
Invites hundreds of ministers, among them Jeremiah Wright, to the White House for a prayer breakfast, followed by a contrite confession, poses for pictures with the ministers then sends them home.

Barack Hussein Obama: Sits
in the pews at Trinity Church for more than two decades, was married by Jeremiah Wright, makes financial donations to the church, makes Pastor Wright his mentor and confidante, claims that he never heard any racist comments by his Pastor, retracts that statement in a speech, says he had heard such comments but disagrees with them (although, he continued to come and listen), compares his White grandmother to Jeremiah Wright, then belatedly defends her honor by saying his grandmother was just a 'typical White person'.

Equivalent? I think not!

The story behind the story: This photo was obtained from a Blog belonging to a member of the Trinity church and was released to the news media by the Obama campaign. The Obama campaign is trying to divert attention from what is seen by many as a flaw in either his character or his judgement. So, Wright's church called Obama's campaign and offered them material to use in Obama's defense; Obama's campaign thought that the two cases were similar (or wants you to think that they are); Obama's campaign released this to CNN and CNN published it. Yep, now you've got it! Wright's church was the 'deep throat' for this story on Clinton! Wow, I actually used 'deep throat' and Clinton in the same sentence. That was troubling!

Meanwhile, Obama's campaign fired a woman who stated that Hillary was a 'lying Monster' but today Obama said that Hillary had character flaws and she was a persistent liar. I guess that part about her being a 'monster' was too much, casting an unwarranted aspersion on real monsters...

And thus the Obama campaign for 'change' differs from the 'same, old, tired politics'.


1 comment:

Howellblogger said...

You're right. That's a pretty weak attempt to try to pull Hillary into his crapstorm.